ITALY: Quotas for 2023 Announced

February 3, 2023

There are only a limited amount of work permits available per year in Italy for some types of employment scenarios. These available quotas are defined in the “decreto flussi”. On 26th of January the new “decreto flussi” for 2023 was published in the Official Gazette, which sets the total quota available for 2023 at 82,705.

Most available quotas are only available to nationals of the following countries, which have signed specific cooperation agreements on migration with Italy: Albania, Algeria, Bangladesh, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Egypt, El Salvador, Ethiopia, Gambia, Georgia, Ghana, Guatemala, India, Ivory Coast, Japan, Kosovo, Mali, Mauritius, Moldova, Montenegro, Morocco, Niger, Nigeria, Pakistan, Peru, Philippines, Republic of North Macedonia, Senegal, Serbia, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Tunisia, and Ukraine.

In addition, some quotas are reserved for nationals of countries which will enter into agreements on cooperation on migration during the year 2023, while others have no such nationality restriction.

The quotas for 2023 are:

  • 44,000 for seasonal subordinate work in the agricultural and tourist-hotel sectors for nationals of the countries with an existing cooperation agreement on migration as listed above;
  • 30,105 for non-seasonal subordinate work in the sectors road haulage for third parties, construction, tourism-hotel, mechanics, telecommunications, food and shipbuilding; of these 24,105 are for nationals of the countries with an existing agreement as listed above, and 6000 for nationals of countries still to enter into agreement during 2023;
  • 7000 for the conversion of certain existing residence permits into subordinate and autonomous work residence permits;
  • 1000 for people who have completed training and education programs abroad as approved by the Ministry of Labour and Education;
  • 500 for autonomous workers such as entrepreneurs, freelancers, start-up, professionals, famous artists and directors and auditors of Italian companies;
  • 100 for people residing in Venezuela who have Italian origin up to the third-degree direct line of ancestry through at least one parent.

Applications for permits pursuant to the “decreto flussi” for 2023 can be filed from 27 March onwards until the 31 December 2023, provided quotas are still available. 60 days after the quotas open up the authorities can decide to change the subdivision of these quotas if permit demands require this.

Frequently used permits for highly skilled or highly qualified employees, like the EU ICT permit, the non- quota work permit for intra company transferees and the EU Blue Card, as well as the permit for foreign service providers are not subject to the above-mentioned quotas.

Newland Chase Insights

Companies which do not qualify for non-quota work permits for their employees should file their applications for work permits for 2023 under the quota system as soon as possible after the 27th of March – not only to ensure that permits are still available, but also because Italian immigration processes generally take a long time to complete. Newland Chase is able to assist you with both applications under the quota system as well as with non-quota applications.

This immigration update is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for legal or scenario-specific advice. Furthermore, it is important to note that immigration announcements are subject to sudden and unexpected changes. Readers are encouraged to reach out to Newland Chase for any case- or company-specific assessments.