INDONESIA: Third-Party Agents Stopped from Sending Immigration Applications

November 23, 2016

The Indonesian immigration authorities have prohibited third-party agents from representing companies or assignees at immigration offices to obtain visas and permits. The order came into effect on the 14th November.

Previously, employers could use third-party agents to represent them when attending immigration offices in Indonesia to submit immigration permit applications, collect issued permits or liaise with the authorities.

Now only company staff, holding a company ID card, can arrange immigration permits at immigration offices in Indonesia.

However, the immigration offices in Indonesia are still in the process of implementing the new rules and, so far, only the Central Jakarta immigration office is insisting that applications be managed by company staff.

Our advice

Employers seeking to obtain immigration permits in Indonesia should be prepared to send their own staff, rather than third-party agents, to the immigration office to submit immigration permit applications, collect issued permits or liaise with the authorities.

Employers should check the representation policy at each immigration office before attending, as policy differs between offices.

If you require any additional information regarding the above please contact a member of our team at [email protected]