ITALY: Changes to Integration Agreement Rules

November 17, 2015

The Ministry of Internal Affairs in Italy have announced changes to their ‘Integration Agreement’. From September 2015, a non-EU national residence permit holder in Italy may be allowed to renew their permit even if they have not fulfilled their ‘Integration Agreement”; this will be at the discretion of the authorities. The Integration Agreement is a contract between a migrant residing in Italy and the Italian state. 

Non-EU nationals residing in Italy for a period of more than one year were required to sign the Integration Agreement with the immigration authorities. Previous terms meant they had a maximum period of 3 years in which to earn at least thirty points in tests based on their knowledge of the Italian society and their Italian language skills.

The new provisions announced will allow for the renewal of the work permit, even if the worker has not fully met the terms of the Integration Agreement. Authorities considering renewal applications will be in a position to exercise discretion to grant a waiver for ‘partial non-compliance’, to applicants who have only partially completed the conditions stipulated by the Integration Agreement.

Where this is the case the authorities may, at their discretion, grant a one year extension based on the individual’s previous work permit conditions.

In exceptional circumstances, foreign nationals that have signed the Immigration Agreement may be deemed exempt from completing the accompanying test if they hold, at the time of fulfilment, permits related to asylum, subsidiary protection, or have exceptional family/ humanitarian reasons. 

For further information on how this affects you as an individual or an organisation, please contact us.