MEXICO: Immigration Updates

July 29, 2022

Newland Chase understands that some government agencies have asked certain foreigners to reactivate their Clave Única de Registro de Población (CURP), or Personal ID code number.

The reactivation of the CURP must be carried out personally at the National Immigration Institute.  Note that this reactivation is not being requested by all authorities, neither for all foreigners.

The Consular Section of the Mexican Embassy in Colombia announced that until August 31, 2022, they will only issue visas for Colombian nationals or residents in Colombia who have a valid foreigner card.

Accordingly, visas will not be issued for foreigners who enter Colombia as business or tourist persons.

Readers are encouraged reach out to their Newland Chase dedicated contact or submit an inquiry here should you have any specific questions regarding these announcements.

This immigration update is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for legal or scenario-specific advice. Furthermore, it is important to note that immigration announcements are subject to sudden and unexpected changes. Readers are encouraged to reach out to Newland Chase for any case- or company-specific assessments.