IRELAND: Stakeholders Invited to Suggest Amendments to Occupations Lists

April 13, 2017

The Department of Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation (DJEI) is inviting interested parties to submit their suggestions for amendments to the Highly Skilled Eligible Occupations List (HSEOL) and Ineligible Categories of Employment List (ICEL), after the Economic Migration Policy Unit announced that they will be conducting bi-annual reviews in order to maintain the relevance of the lists.

Representative bodies, government departments, agencies, and other interested parties may submit their opinions no later than Thursday 27th April 2017 via the submission form, which can be found here. They are encouraged to be as specific as possible when suggesting inclusions or removals, and are welcome to provide supporting evidence such as reports and surveys.

The aim of the review is to determine whether there is a skills deficit or surplus of occupations and, by inviting stakeholders to submit their opinions, the Economic Migration Policy Unit hope to glean vital information which will improve the employment permits system.

The current lists, which are effective from 3rd April 2017, are available as below and are in place to allow skilled non-EEA nationals into Ireland to fill skills shortages.

Highly Skilled Eligible Occupations List

Ineligible Categories of Employment List

It should be noted that any occupation that does not appear on either list is considered an eligible occupation; however it is not eligible for critical skills employment permits.

The Economies Migration Policy Unit will consider all submissions received by Thursday 27th April, and will follow up and consult, if necessary, with government departments, state bodies and industry groups. At the conclusion of the process, suggestions deemed relevant will be present to the Minister of the DJEI. Any changes approved by the Minister will then be put into legal effect.

Our advice

Anyone wishing to contribute to the review should complete the submission form and submit this via email no later than Thursday 27th April 2017.

For further information on Irish immigration, please email us at [email protected].