Search Results for: Colombia

COLOMBIA – Holders of Permanent Resident (R) Visas Issued Before October 2022 Must Transfer by October 21, 2024

July 16, 2024

Permanent Resident (R) Visa holders with visas issued before October 2022 are required to transfer their visa by October 21, 2024.

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COLOMBIA – Delays in Issuing Foreigner ID Cards

July 15, 2024

Colombia has faced significant delays in issuing foreigner ID cards due to operational changes at Migración Colombia.

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NEWLAND CHASE – New Services in Belgium, Colombia

September 1, 2023

As the world continues to return to global travel and mobility following the COVID pandemic, Newland Chase is expanding our service offerings in both Belgium and Colombia, part of CIBT's ongoing expansion plans.

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COLOMBIA – Newland Chase Bogota Office Now Open

August 11, 2023

As part of our ongoing expansion, and in recognition of the important Latin American (LATAM) regional market, Newland Chase has opened a new office in Bogota, Colombia.

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COLOMBIA: Temporary Suspension of Colombian Visa Application System

October 7, 2022

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Colombia has announced that effective September 30 to October 21, there will be a temporary suspension of the Colombian Visa Application System.

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COLOMBIA: New Entry and Stay Regulations

November 29, 2019

Effective 1 December 2019, Resolution 3167 of 2019 establishes new guidelines for the entry into, stay in and departure from Colombia of both Colombian and foreign nationals.

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COLOMBIA: Changes to Degree Validation Process

November 12, 2019

The Ministry of National Education in Colombia has issued a Resolution establishing or modifying the requirements and processing times of degree validation processes.

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COLOMBIA: New Reporting Obligations for Sponsoring Companies via SIRE

July 31, 2019

Migration Colombia has changed its interpretation of the reporting obligations for sponsoring companies via the online system SIRE.

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COLOMBIA: Authorities Begin Renewal of Special Stay Permits for Venezuelan Nationals

June 12, 2019

Effective immediately, Venezuelan nationals in Colombia holding a Special Stay Permit (PEP) can apply online to renew their PEP for a further two years.

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COLOMBIA: Venezuelan Nationals Can Enter with Expired Passports

March 13, 2019

Effective immediately, the Colombian Ministry of Foreign Affairs will allow entry, transit and departure of Venezuelan nationals holding expired or soon-to-expire passports.

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