MALAYSIA: New Requirements for MDEC Applications

August 13, 2019

There are new requirements for MSC/ICT status companies applying for an Employment Pass, Dependant Pass and/or Long-Term Social Visit Pass for their employees via MDEC.

Special Pass for Newborn Child

Effective immediately, foreign nationals with a child born in Malaysia are required to apply for a Special Pass (SP) for the child while awaiting completion of the child’s Dependant Pass (DP) application. This facilitates the child’s stay in-country before they are issued with a valid DP for continued stay in Malaysia.

  • For children of 1-6 months old, the SP application is filed through the Immigration Unit in MDEC.
  • For children of 7 months and above, the SP application is filed through the Enforcement Unit of the Immigration Department in Putrajaya.

For in-progress DP applications for a newborn child which were approved prior to this announcement and are yet to be endorsed (Stage 2), the SP application documents must also be provided to support the application: cover letter for Special Pass, Special Pass declaration form, Format A and a bank draft payable to Ketua Pengarah Imigresen Malaysia amounting to RM100.

Submission of original attested certificates for Nigerian nationals

As of 1 September 2019, MDEC applying for Employment Passes for Nigerian nationals are required to submit original embassy certified-true/attested/legalised copies of the relevant application documents as part of Stage 1 processing requirements.

Application documents include, but are not limited to: educational certificate, marriage/birth certificate(s) or proof of relationships. These documents must be duly legalised by the Malaysian High Commission in Nigeria.

Documents submitted for application processing will remain under MDEC’s possession and will not be returned under any circumstances.

Our Advice

Employers and assignees who may be affected by these changes are advised to contact their Newland Chase immigration specialist for advice.

For general advice and information on immigration and business travel to Malaysia, please email us at [email protected].