ARGENTINA: Update – No Express Appointments for Residence Applicants

March 16, 2018

Effective immediately, Argentina’s National Immigration Office (DNM) has suspended the system of express appointments for applications for temporary residence cards or conversions to permanent residence status.

Who is affected?

This mostly affects Mercosur nationals applying for Temporary Residence or Special Transitory Visas (24H), who should expect significant processing delays. Currently, Mercosur nationals may only be able to obtain regular appointments several months from the appointment request date. This delay is likely to increase due to the suspension of the Express appointments system.

Non-Mercosur nationals may still be able to obtain regular appointments within a few days.

Applicants who had already booked express appointments may not be able to attend these due to the suspension.


As of 15th March 2018, the express appointments system remains suspended, and Mercosur nationals may only be able to obtain regular appointments six months from the appointment request date. However, it is estimated that the express appointment system will return “soon”.

Our Advice

Employers whose employees may be affected are advised to contact their Newland Chase immigration specialist for the latest appointment date estimates.

For advice and information on immigration to Argentina in general, please email us at [email protected]