Changes to UK Immigration Fees

March 4, 2013

On the 25th February 2013, the Immigration Minister Mark Harper laid a written ministerial statement before Parliament which which proposed fee increases for visa applications made overseas and applications made in the UK.
The fee changes will come into force from the 6th April 2013.
Immigration Minister Mark Harper said in his statement:

‘I am announcing proposals to change the fees for immigration and nationality applications made to the UK Border Agency and services provided by the Agency. The government reviews these fees on a regular basis and makes appropriate changes as necessary.

In developing these proposals, the UK Border Agency has sought to limit most increases to 3%, which is in line with recent measures of inflation. There are further targeted increases for applications made within the UK, where the value of the entitlements provided to successful applicants is greater, and new fees for European residence documents.’

In the UKBA press release, reference is made to the ‘difficult financial context for the UK Border Agency and the government as a whole.’ There is no reference, however, as to the effect these increases will have on individuals who may also be struggling due to the economic downturn.

A full list of the fee changes can be found here.  Applicants must always ensure that they pay the correct UK visa fee for any application made, or failure to do so will lead to rejections and delays.