EUROPEAN UNION – Reminder of upcoming European Travel and Immigration Authorisation System (ETIAS)

September 9, 2024

By: Clara Excler

ETIAS is a pre-travel authorisation to enter one of the ETIAS countries for a short stay. The implementation date is not yet confirmed, but it is understood that implementation should be in the first half of 2025.

Nationals that will require ETIAS once implemented

All non-EU/EEA/Swiss nationals who are visa-exempt to enter the ETIAS countries for a short stay, or do not hold a Residence Permit issued by one of the ETIAS countries. This includes:

Albania   Colombia  Marshall Islands  Paraguay  South Korea 
Andorra  Costa Rica  Mauritius  Peru   Timor-Leste 
Antigua and Barbuda  Dominica   Mexico  Republic of Macedonia  Tonga  
Argentina  El Salvador  Micronesia  Saint Kitts and Nevis  Trinidad and Tobago 
Australia  Georgia  Moldova  Saint Lucia  Tuvalu  
Bahamas  Grenada   Monaco  Saint Vincent and the Grenadines   Ukraine  
Barbados  Guatemala  Montenegro  Samoa  United Arab Emirates  
Bosnia and Herzegovina   Honduras  Nauru  San Marino  United Kingdom  
Brazil  Israel  New Zealand  Serbia   United States 
Brunei  Japan  Nicaragua  Seychelles  Uruguay 
Canada  Kiribati  Palau  Singapore  Vanuatu 
Chile  Malaysia  Panama  Solomon Islands  Venezuela 

Countries that will require ETIAS authorization to enter

The following countries require ETIAS approval before you travel:

Austria   Germany  Netherlands 
Belgium   Greece  Norway  
Bulgaria  Hungary   Poland  
Croatia  Iceland   Portugal  
Cyprus  Italy   Romania 
Czech Republic  Latvia   Slovakia  
Denmark   Liechtenstein   Slovenia  
Estonia   Lithuania   Spain  
Finland   Luxembourg   Sweden 
France   Malta   Switzerland 

ETIAS validity 

The ETIAS approval is valid for 3 years or until your passport expires, whichever is shorter.  

ETIAS application process 

It should take no more than 3 workings days, but if the authorities have any questions, processing can take up to 30 days. So, we recommend that you submit the application at least 30 days before you are due to travel.  

Documents required for ETIAS 

Your passport must be valid for 3 months after the intended departure date from ETIAS countries, and should not be older than 10 years.  

Newland Chase insight 

Following implementation, many carriers e.g. airlines and Eurostar will implement a verification process to ensure that travelers have a valid ETIAS before boarding is permitted. For more details on ETIAS visit

This immigration update is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for legal or scenario-specific advice. Furthermore, it is important to note that immigration announcements are subject to sudden and unexpected changes. Readers are encouraged to reach out to Newland Chase for any case or company-specific assessments.