Immigration Insights

ISRAEL: Immigration Authorities Announce Extensive Enforcement Inspections

June 18, 2018

The Population and Immigration Authority of the Israeli Ministry of Interior has formally announced that, within the coming weeks, they will be conducting unannounced and extensive enforcement inspections at companies employing foreign workers and refugees.

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UNITED KINGDOM: Non-EU Doctors and Nurses to be Excluded from Tier 2 Cap

June 15, 2018

The UK Home Office has announced it will exclude doctors and nurses from the annual cap on non-EU skilled workers, in response to the shortages and pressures currently facing the NHS. This could make available thousands of extra visas for IT specialists, engineers and other professionals.

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AUSTRALIA: Skilling Australians Fund Update

June 14, 2018

The Australian Department of Home Affairs that the Migration Amendment (Skilling Australians Fund) Bill 2018, which was passed by the Parliament of Australia on 9 May 2018, is expected to be implemented during the first quarter of the 2018-2019 financial year (i.e. between July and September 2018).

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MIDDLE EAST UPDATE: Qatar Blockade Persists One Year Later… With Little Negative Impact for International Business and Global Mobility

June 14, 2018

Update for companies on Middle East business travel and global immigration and the impact of the Qatar blockade, now one year after Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Egypt, and Bahrain severed diplomatic ties and imposed a trade blockade. Current status on visas and business travel requirements.

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CANADA: Government Adds Three More Occupations to Global Talent Stream

June 14, 2018

On 12th June 2018, the Canadian government marked the one-year anniversary of the launch of the Global Talent Stream pilot by expanding the Global Talent Occupations List, bringing the total number of qualifying jobs on the list to thirteen.

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UNITED ARAB EMIRATES: Major Changes in Immigration Rules Announced

June 14, 2018

On 13 June 2018, the government announced significant changes to the immigration and foreign labour systems of the UAE. The changes will affect current and future foreign national employees and their employers.

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UNITED KINGDOM: New Start-Up Visa Announced

June 13, 2018

The UK Home Office announced the creation of a new Start-Up Visa during London's Tech Week. The new visa, scheduled for launch in Spring 2019, will be available for tech entrepreneurs seeking to work in the UK.

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EUROPEAN UNION: European Court of Justice Rules that EU Countries Must Recognise Residence Rights of Same-Sex Spouses

June 13, 2018

On 5 June 2018, the European Court of Justice (ECJ) ruled that all European Union Member States must recognise the residence rights of non-EU national same-sex spouses of EU citizens who were married in another Member State.

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NETHERLANDS: Croatian Worker Restrictions Lifted from 1 July 2018

June 12, 2018

The government of the Netherlands decided on 8 June 2018 to lift the current work authorisation requirements for Croatian workers from 1 July 2018. From that date, Croatian nationals will have the same access to the Dutch labour market as nationals of other EU Member States.

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RUSSIA: New Law on Counter-Sanctions Does Not Directly Restrict Immigration

June 11, 2018

From 4 June 2018, Federal Law No. 127-FZ “On Measures of Affect (Counteraction) in Connection with Unfriendly Actions of the United States of America and other Foreign States” authorises Russia to impose responsive restriction measures on the US and other foreign states at the President’s decision.

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Global Immigration Weekly Roundup – 11th June 2018

June 11, 2018

Discover the latest immigration news and updates from around the globe with your weekly newsletter from Newland Chase. This week we look at news from the EU, Australia and Mexico, as well as Russia, Panama and Switzerland.

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THAILAND: Recent Amendments to Foreign Employee Rules

June 11, 2018

Effective 28 March 2018, the Thai Emergency Decree on Managing the Work of Foreign nationals (No. 2) B.E. 2561 (2018) introduced some important changes to the immigration and employment rules for foreign nationals.

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Global Immigration 101: A Work Permit by Any Other Name

June 8, 2018

What is a work permit? A discussion of global corporate immigration requirements for companies and employees, and the process, requirements, and tips for obtaining work permits in countries around the world from one of the leading international business travel and corporate immigration providers.

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MEXICO: Increased Immigration Verification Visits

June 8, 2018

The National Institute of Migration (INM) has recently increased the number of immigration verification visits.The purpose of the INM verification visit is to corroborate the existence and normal operation of the company and to prove the legal status of foreign employees.

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AUSTRALIA: Proposed Changes to Skilled Migration Lists

June 7, 2018

The Australian Department of Jobs and Small Business is currently undergoing a public submissions process to review proposed changes to the Short and Medium Long Term Strategic Skills Occupation Lists and the Regional Occupations List.

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PANAMA: Executive Decree Clarifies Basis for Cancelling Work Permits

June 7, 2018

The Ministry of Labour has published an executive decree setting out possible grounds for the cancellation of work permits. The national immigration authority has recently cancelled a number of residence permits issued to foreign nationals on the basis of fraudulent documentation.

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EUROPEAN UNION: Posted Worker Reform Adopted by European Parliament

June 6, 2018

The European Parliament has voted in favour of adopting amendments to the Posting of Workers Directive (1996/71/EC), agreed with the Council and the Commission in March 2018. Member states have 2 years to transpose the rules into their national laws; they must effect them by the end of this period.

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SWITZERLAND: Update – Federal Council Confirms Initial List of Occupations Requiring Labour Market Test

June 6, 2018

On 23rd May 2018, the Swiss Federal Council confirmed the initial list of occupations for which, from 1 July 2018, employers wishing to hire foreign nationals will have to test the Swiss labour market by advertising.

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Global Immigration Weekly Roundup – 4th June 2018

June 4, 2018

Discover the latest immigration news and updates from around the globe with your weekly newsletter from Newland Chase. This week we look at news from Argentina, Italy and Canada, as well as Israel and Kazakhstan.

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KAZAKHSTAN: Work Permit No Longer Required for CEOs and Deputies

June 4, 2018

Recent amendments to the immigration rules that apply to chief executives and their deputies are benefiting companies operating in Kazakhstan. Effective April 28, work permits are no longer required for foreign chief executives and their deputies of Kazakhstani companies with foreign ownership.

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