IRELAND: Delays for UK Nationals Seeking Irish Passports Following Brexit

July 6, 2016

The Irish government has urged British nationals with the right to apply for an Irish passport to hold off on submitting their applications, due to the influx following the recent referendum announcement.

Eligible UK nationals have been applying for Irish passports in record numbers to obtain an EU passport before the UK leaves the European Union.

UK nationals can apply for Irish citizenship if they, a parent, or grandparent were born in the Republic of Ireland or Northern Ireland. Irish citizenship can also be obtained through birth, ancestry or naturalisation.

Large queues have formed outside the country”s passport office. It is important that UK citizens remember that the UK is still a full member of the European Union, and that all rights still apply for the foreseeable future.

Our advice

It is important that all Irish passport applicants submit their applications before the expiration date, or with plenty of time to give before their intended travel date, to allow for delays.

We will keep you up to date with any further announcements following the referendum. In the meantime, if you wish to speak to an advisor please contact us at b[email protected].