Just graduated from a UK university? Our tips on getting a Post Study Work Visa!

November 21, 2011

We’ve been getting several enquiries about Post Study Work visas recently, and thought it’d be good to give a summary of the application requirements for this visa! 

Call us now on +44 (0)207 001 2121 if you’d like to discuss this visa in more detail, but act quickly as this visa category closes on the 6th April 2012!

The Post Study Work visa enables graduates to live and work in the UK, both in employment and self- employment, without the need for sponsorship from a specific employer.  This visa is helpful as it covers graduates through periods of changes in employment and also unemployment as the graduate is still able to remain in the UK throughout the duration of the visa.

Something which often catches our clients out is that the application for the Post Study Worker visa must be made within 12 months of the date of the award of the qualification that you will be relying upon.


Eligibility for Tier 1 Post Study Work Visa:

Graduates need to score 75 points under the Points Based System for attributes to be eligible for a Post Study Work visa and will meet the points requirements in the following way:

You have a UK qualification 20 points
You studied for this qualification at a UK institution 20 points
You had a valid immigration status during your UK study and/or research 20 points
The date of award of your qualification was no more than 12 months before the date when you apply under Tier 1 (Post-study work) 15 points


You will therefore need to demonstrate that you obtained your qualification from a recognised UK Institution and that you had a valid UK visa during your entire period of study.

In addition to the above you will also have to demonstrate that you have met the following requirements:

English Language 10 points
Maintenance  –  £800 if applying within the UK or £2800 if applying from overseas to be held for a period of 90 days immediately preceding the date of application 10 points

If you are already in the UK as a student (eg. on a student visa or Tier 4 visa) then you may submit your application from within the UK. 

If you have now left the UK and would like to re-enter the UK under the Post Study Work visa then you will be required to make an application for entry clearance as a Post Study Worker before entering the UK.  In most cases the application forms can be completed and submitted online but you will still be required to submit original documentation in support of your Post Study Work visa application.  You will also be required to attend a biometrics appointment.

Applications for Post Study Worker visas in both the UK and overseas require certain specific documents to be submitted in support of each application and we can provide you with a comprehensive list at your resquest!

Contact us now for more information!