MALAYSIA: ESD Company Audits

January 4, 2024

As of the commencement of 2024, the Expatriate Services Division (ESD) within the Malaysian Immigration Department has initiated its annual evaluation of ESD-registered companies.

During the scrutiny of recently submitted applications for Employment Passes and Professional Visit Passes, the ESD is soliciting a range of updated company documents. These may encompass the latest audited financial report and the most recent premises business license for the year 2024, among other requisites.

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It is advised that companies foresee these document requests and proactively prepare the necessary updates for applications set to be submitted in 2024. This strategic approach ensures a smoother process and facilitates compliance with the ESD’s requirements.

This immigration update is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for legal or scenario-specific advice. Furthermore, it is important to note that immigration announcements are subject to sudden and unexpected changes. Readers are encouraged to reach out to Newland Chase for any case- or company-specific assessments.