MEXICO: INM ambushing foreign employee sponsors by phone

November 7, 2013

The Instituto Nacional de Migración (INM) has been launching surprise phone enquiries against sponsors who have recently submitted visa and work authorisation applications for foreign employees in Mexico. Thus far the enquiries have been aimed at confirming the foreign employee”s:

·         Nationality;

·         Position and job title;

·         Type of work performed; and

·         Duration of stay in Mexico.

As the enquiries remain unannounced as official INM policy, it is questionable whether the practice will persist. Nevertheless, if such enquiries are unanswered by a sponsor, processing delays may be incurred for the application in question. Therefore, sponsors should ensure a representative is available and appropriately prepared to answer any such phone enquiries from the INM, in order to avoid any risk of delay.

If you are a company sponsoring foreign employees in Mexico and wish to learn more about these enquiries and how they may affect you, please contact us.