UK Visas & Immigration to Provide “International Enquiry Service” for Visa Applicants

April 10, 2014

Overseas visa applicants are now able to use the new international enquiry service on the Gov.UK website, to find information about their visa application process. The service is provided by Hinduja Global Solutions (HGS) working in partnership with UK Visas and Immigration to offer enquiry services to people applying for a visa.

The new international enquiry service will provide an improved service to visa customers in 20 languages with opening times reflecting the working hours and days in each country. Customers will also receive a quicker response and in some cases, cost of their call will be cheaper.

The purpose of this service is to reduce the time that case workers at overseas visa application centres spend on customer”s enquiries, freeing up their time to focus on casework.

UK Visas and Immigration”s Director General Sarah Rapson has stated that: “Providing excellent customer service to visa applicants is a key part of what we do. HGS will run a global enquiry service for all our visa customers from here in the UK, for the first time providing a top quality enquiry service that will assist those wanting to come to the UK. Our customer can expect a quick, accurate and professional service available to help them throughout their application.”


The following services are available:

An email contact service: a web form enables customers to make free email enquiries

Webchat: customers can access a real time webchat with an agent for a charge of £4 a session

Telephone contact service: speaking to an advisor will cost £1.37 plus the cost of the call. Call costs will vary depending on the call type, the customer”s tariff and local charges.

Information on further contact options is available from the site at or if you have any specific UK immigration queries then please contact us.