UKVI Plan to Revise RCoS Salary Bands

September 4, 2015

UK Visas & Immigration (UKVI) this morning announced plans to revise the number of salary bands in the points table used to prioritise applications for Restricted Certificates of Sponsorship (RCoS) in months where the RCoS limit has been oversubscribed.

The current points table uses considerably wide ranging salary bands to determine each month whether an RCoS application meets the minimum points score required in order to be granted within the annual RCoS limit. The minimum points required each month based on gross annual salary depend on the number of applications received by UKVI that same month. 

In order to “improve flexibility”, UKVI plan to increase the number of salary bands in a revised points table, as outlined below:

For instance, this June, all RLMT RCoS applications were required to meet a minimum points score of 50, meaning the gross annual salary must have been between £46,000 to £74,999 in order to be granted. UKVI explain that under the revised salary bands of the planned updated points table, any RLMT RCoS application with a gross annual salary of £34,000 or more would have been granted.

The prioritisation of Shortage Occupation List and PhD-level RCoS applications would remain unchanged.

While the updated points table has been laid before Parliament as a change to the Immigration Rules , UKVI intend to apply the revised salary bands in October. This September”s RCoS allocations will continue in accordance with the current more inflexible points table.

Should you have any questions with regards to RCoS requests then please don”t hesitate to contact us.