UNITED ARAB EMIRATES: New Dependent Sponsorship Policy

April 4, 2019

The UAE Cabinet has adopted a decision to amend the policy on foreign national workers sponsoring family members in the UAE. As yet, no implementation date has been announced.

What has changed?

The amended provisions indicate only income as the requirement for sponsoring family members, and no longer require particular qualifying professions.

Currently, the UAE government guidance states that:

Male residents who are employed in the UAE can sponsor their immediate family members, such as wife and children, subject to conditions which include minimum salary of AED 4,000 or AED 3,000 plus accommodation. The male sponsor must also hold a profession which allows him to sponsor his family.

Specific requirements may vary depending on the Emirate of application.

In practice, the authorities may already approve dependent visa applications sponsored by foreign nationals in non-qualifying professions, on a case-by-case basis at the discretion of the visa officer. The new provisions would formalise and simplify this authorisation.

Our Advice

Employers who may be affected are encouraged to contact their Newland Chase immigration specialist for case-specific advice. 

For general advice and information on immigration and business travel to the UAE, please email us at [email protected]