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Search Results for: United Kingdom
ITALY: New Rules for Intra-Company Permits in Force
January 20, 2017
With the publication of Legislative Decree 253/2916, with effect from 11th January 2017 and amending the Consolidated Act on Immigration (Legislative Decree 286/1998), Italy has finally implemented Directive 2014/66/EC of 15th May 2014 on the conditions of entry and residence of third-country nationals in…
Read MoreKAZAKHSTAN: Changes to Work Permits and Visa Waiver Program
January 11, 2017
Upcoming Changes to the Work Permit Regime From 1st January 2017, new rules for the issuance of work permits for Kazakhstan include the removal of the current labour market test for locally-hired applicants and the introduction of a state fee,…
Read MoreAmericas: 2016 Round-up
January 5, 2017
The election of the new President of the USA, Donald Trump, dominated headlines at the end of last year due to his administration's immigration policies. However, there were also a number of changes across the region including the introduction of new work…
Read MoreEMEA: 2016 Round-up
January 5, 2017
2016 saw big changes across the EMEA region, with the new Posted Workers and ICT Directive. Other big news across the region was that the UK voted to leave the EU and countries across the Middle East implemented stricter regulations…
Read MoreSWITZERLAND: No EU Quotas in Immigration to keep Single Market Access
December 22, 2016
After three years discussing its relationship with the European Union, Switzerland has officially rejected imposing quotas on EU workers. Switzerland is not an EU country but enjoys access to the free market. On 16th December 2016, a new immigration Law…
Read MoreUK: High Court Upholds Parliamentary Sovereignty
November 10, 2016
The High Court ruled last week that the UK Government cannot start the process of leaving the European Union without the approval of Parliament. The ruling states that MPs will be required to vote on whether to trigger Article 50,…
Read MoreUK: Statement of Changes to Immigration Policy
November 3, 2016
On 3rd November 2016, the Home Office published a Statement of Changes to the Immigration Rules, which are due to take effect from 24th November 2016. The statement is a comprehensive outline of detailed, technical changes to specific areas of…
Read MoreSWITZERLAND: Potential Access to EU Single Market
October 13, 2016
Following positive talks this week between European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker and Swiss President Johann Schneider-Ammann, it is believed that a compromise is close to being reached which would allow Switzerland access to the EU single market whilst still employing…
Read MorePERU: Visa-Free Entry for Certain Chinese Nationals
September 22, 2016
From 21st September 2016, qualifying Chinese nationals are able to enter Peru visa-free for business or tourism, for one or more stays totalling up to 180 days per six months. To qualify, Chinese nationals must hold permanent residence or a…
Read MoreAUSTRALIA: Tax Delayed on Australian Working Holiday 417 and 462 Visa
September 21, 2016
As part of the 2015 National Budget, the Australian Federal Government proposed to tax the earnings of Australian Working Holiday Visa holders at a much higher rate than Australian nationals. The delayed tax proposal, scheduled to come into operation on…
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