Search Results for: Israel

ISRAEL: Relaxed Criteria for Work Permits and Increased Immigration Audits

August 15, 2017

The Ministry of Interior has recently relaxed the qualifying criteria for work permits for foreign experts engaged in professions requiring a higher academic education. Also, the immigration authorities have recently increased audits at client sites. Relaxed Criteria Effective immediately, the work permit sub-category for academically qualified foreign experts is open to applicants with at least […]

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ISRAEL: Clarification – Short-Term Employment Authorisation (SEA) Cannot Be Obtained Post Arrival

April 26, 2017

The Work Permit Unit of the Ministry of Interior has clarified this week that any application for short-term employment authorisation (SEA) for up to 45 days with a B-1 work visa must be submitted and approved before the applicant travels to Israel. Any application submitted for a SEA B-1 work visa for up to 45 […]

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ISRAEL: Upcoming Program to Attract Hi-Tech Workers

January 26, 2017

On 15th January 2017, the Israeli government announced that a new, expedited process will be launched in 2017 to allow technology companies to obtain "Hi-Tech" status, with benefits for employers and employees. It is thought that this program may be?

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ISRAEL: Important Clarification – 45 Days Work Travel

December 16, 2016

To clarify any confusion surrounding recent news in Israel on the "new" regulation issued by the Population and Immigration Authority, it should be noted that in relation to short-term business travel, there are no new regulations. The 45 work days…

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CHINA: 10 Year Multiple Entry Visa Implementation with Israel

December 14, 2016

In early 2016, Israel and China signed a 10-year Multiple Entry Visa Agreement. This agreement effectively makes Israel the third country, after the United States and Canada, to have such an arrangement with China. The agreement came into effect and…

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ISRAEL: Relaxed Rules Proposed for Foreign Technology Specialists

August 19, 2016

Israel"s Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, has appointed a special commission, consisting of high-ranking officials from the Ministry of the Economy and Industry and the Ministry of the Interior, which will be tasked with attracting foreign technology specialists to Israel. The…

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Israel and China: New Ten Year Multiple-Entry Visa Agreement Signed

July 1, 2016

Earlier this week, the Israeli parliament (Knesset) ratified an agreement for a new ten year multiple-entry visa between Israel and China. This enables nationals of both countries to be issued with multiple-entry visas to Israel and China, valid for a…

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ISRAEL: Immediate Changes to Work Permit Regulations

June 29, 2016

The Work Permit Unit (WPU) of the Ministry of Interior has implemented new regulations for obtaining work permits and visas for foreign experts with immediate effect. It is understood that the implemented changes will also be applicable to pending work…

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ISRAEL: Innovation Visa Program Introduced for Foreign Entrepreneurs

November 17, 2015

Israel"s Ministry of Economy have announced a new initiative entitled "Innovation Visas for Foreign Entrepreneurs". Visas are being offered to foreign nationals to start new technological enterprises in Israel and to develop their expertise in their particular field, which in turn should increase…

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ISRAEL: Increased Workplace Inspections

October 2, 2013

This year, workplace inspections by the Ministry of Interior in Israel have increased dramatically. Over the last few weeks alone, local authorities in Israel have made several unannounced worksite visits to a number of multinational corporations involved in national projects.…

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